Beat the heat this summer with an easy (to make at home) cold brew coffee. As the temperature soars, there is no need to give up your favourite coffee making ritual. Just switch it up!


What is Cold Brew?

This is coffee that has been brewed using time rather than heat.  It is usually slow-brewed and steeped over 12 hours.  This results in a slightly less acidic and sweeter, more full bodied coffee flavour.  Perfect for a cold bevvy.
And the best can batch make your coffee concentrate for the week ahead.  So when you’re racing home from the beach or exercise, craving your daily caffeine fix but it’s way to hot to contemplate – this is it!
How to make it?
  • One cup of coffee beans ground to medium coarseness.
  • Add ground coffee and 4 cups of water to a glass jar or similar. Stir gently to make sure coffee grounds are thoroughly saturated.  (Recommended brewing ratio is 4 cups of water to one cup of coffee beans. But do experiment with this for a weaker mix as preferred ie 5 cups of water to 1 cup of ground coffee beans).
  • Cover with a jar or lid and let the coffee steep for 12 – 15 hours at room temperature. If you have a French Press this is a great option to use for steeping.  For stronger flavour experiment with brewing for longer – up to 24 hours.
  • Strain your stepped coffee concentrate through a fine mesh sieve, muslin cloth or nut milk bag.
  • Pour the strained brew concentrate into a clean bottle or jar and refrigerate up to a week.
  • Enjoy your cold brew coffee diluted with as much water or your favourite milk as preferred. (Remember it is a concentrate so does need to be diluted).
  • Serve with ice.
Happy (cold) brewing!